This section is to inform you about the various options available when ordering an LS-58x harness from us. There are many different components that go into making a harness, and this section is to help you through deciding what you need to make our harness work for your setup.
Determining Your MAP Style
On most LS-58x engines, the MAP is located on the front passenger side of the intake manifold, near the throttle body. There are 2 styles, Bosch and Delphi.
This is the Bosch MAP style:
This is the Delphi MAP style:
Determining Your MAF Style
Next you will need to select your MAF style. There are 4 different styles: LS2, LS3/LS7, L92, and Late Style Truck (2010+).
This is the LS2 MAF:
This is the LS3/LS7 MAF:
This is the L92 MAF:
This is the Late Style Truck (2009+):
We offer our custom made LS3/LS7 MAF and tube combo as an add on to your harness order, or available separately here. It's a great way to have a proper diameter MAF pipe to get your project up and running smoothly. It includes the LS3/LS7 MAF, tube, MAF mounting screws, and welded on bung.
6L80/6L90 Tap Shift Options
If you're using a 6L80 or 6L90 on your project, take full control of the up shifts and down shifts with either our in-house modified floor mounted tap shift shifter, allowing easy "thumb up, thumb down" shift control, or our tap shift switch box.
Tap shift is only available for projects using a 6L80 and 6L90 transmission, in conjunction with our harness.
This is our tap shift switch box. It has a remote switch that you can mount anywhere that's convenient. It allows full control of up shifts and down shifts in a small form factor, providing a quick and easy install. It's available as an add on to your harness order, or available separately here.
This is our in-house modified floor mounted tap shift shifter. It's available as an add on to your harness order, or available separately here.
How to Identify a DOD Engine
DOD (Displacement On Demand) or AFM (Active Fuel Management) allows your V8 engine to save fuel by running as a 4 cylinder engine under steady, light load conditions.
How to Identify a VVT Engine
VVT (Variable Valve Timing) allows your engine to develop more torque or horsepower under various conditions by advancing or retarding the camshaft.